
Nato nel 1940, USA

Solo exhibitions

2012 - 2013
Jimmie Durham, Fondazione Morra Greco, Fondazione Donna Regina, Napoli, Italia.
Streets of Rome and Other Stories, curated by Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, MACRO, Rome.
A Matter of Life and Death and Singing, M HKA, Antwerpen, Belgium (upcoming 24 may)
Collector – Oeuvres du Cnap, Tripostal, Lille, France
Animismus. Moderne hinter den Spiegeln, Generali Foundation, Wien, Austria
Collected Stones (2002), The Artist’s Institute, NYC, USA
The Last First Decade, Ellipse Foundation, Cascais, Portugal
¿TIERRA DE NADIE? Centro Cultural Montehermoso, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spanien
The Way it Wasn't (Celebrating Ten Years of castillo/corrales, Paris), Culturgest Porto, Portugal
Über Dinge, kunsthaus muerz, Mürzzuschlag, Austria
Under Deconstruction II, Swiss Institute Contemporary Art New York
Pour une République des Rêves, CRAC Alsace, Altkirch, France
Zwei Sammler – Thomas Olbricht und Harald Falckenberg, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, Germany
Welttheater, Die Sammlung Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Kunstmuseum Lichtenstein,
Zürich, Switzerland
arts, media and sports, Sprovieri Gallery, London
The Crude and the Rare, The Cooper Union, New York, US
The New Décor, Garage, Center for Contemporary Culture, Moscow, Russia
The New Décor, Hayward Gallery, London, United Kingdom
Sounds of Architectural Space - Vito Acconci/Jimmie Durham/Alberto Garutti/ H.H.LIM/Michelangelo
Pistoletto/Anne Ratti, Venice Architectural Biennale 2010, Venice
1st Ural Industrial Biennial for Contemporary Art. Shockworkers of the Mobile Image, Ekaterinburg, Russia
29th Bienal de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil
Late Last Night, Galerie Opdahl, Berlin
Rocks Encouraged, Portikus, Frankfurt. Germany
Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art, Glasgow, Scotland
Spatial City: An Architecture of Idealism (First Exhibition of the Frac Collections in the United States - 2010)
Institute of Visual Arts (Inova), Milwaukee, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, Museum of Contemporary Art,Detroit
Production Residency, Supported by the Henry Moore Foundation, Glasgow Sculpure Studios,Glasgow
Dominó Caníbal, Proyecto de Arte Contemporáneo Murcia, Spain
Animism, Extra City, Antwerp
Animism, Kunsthalle Bern
Universe Miniature golf (The Promised Land), Glasgow Sculpture Studios, Glasgow, UK
Faux Jumeaux 15, S.M.A.K., Gent, Belgium
Obsidiana, Kurimanzutto, Mexiko City
Lyon Biennale
Detour over Rome, Casa dell`Architettura - Acquario Romano, Rome
effet miroir, Galerie Michel Rein, Paris
Everything has a name, or the potential to be named, Gasworks, London
Be sure to attend very carefully to what I have to say to you, Centre d´Art de Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland
Transmission Interrupted, Modern Art Oxford, Oxford
Time of the Signs, de PURY & LUXEMBOURG, Zurich
Pierres rejetées... , Musée d´Art moderne de la Ville de Paris / ARC, Paris
Dog Star Man, Galerie Nordenhake, Berlin
Obsidiana,Galerie Kurimanzutto, Mexico City
Undercover, Barbara Wien Wilma Lukatsch, Berlin, Geramny
La Féte est permanente/The Eternal Network, Frac Champagne-Ardenne/Fonds regional d´art contemporain,Rheims, France
Listen Darling the World is Yours, Ellipse FOUNDATION, Alcoitão, Portugal
NeoHooDoo: Art for a Forgotten Faith, The Menil Collection, Houston, Texas
Come, come, come into my world, Ellipse Foundation, Alcoitão, Portugal
Italia italie italien italy wlochy, ARCOS - Museo di Arte Contemporanea del Sannio, Benevento, Italy
Topoi, An Exhibition, an Approach, a Museum, a History, MMCA Macedonian Museum of Contemporary
Art, Thessaloniki, Greece
Experiment Marathon Reykjavik, Reykjavík Art Museum - Kjarvalsstair, Reykjavik, Island
Ad Absurdum, MARTa Herford, Herford, Germany
CAMERE #6, Teatralità Nomade, RAM radioartemobile, Rome, Italy
Barbican Art Gallery, London
Tiempo al Tiempo, MARCO Museo de Arte Contemporanea, Vigo, Spain
Jimmie Durham, MADRE Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Donna Regina, Naples, Italy
Essence, de Pury & Luxembourg, Zurich
(C)artography:Map-Making as Artform, Crawford Municipal Art Gallery, Cork, Ireland
Metaphase und Metathesis, St. Elisabeth-Kirche, Berlin
From 60 to 7, Henie Onstad Art Centre, Høvikodden, Norway
Habitat / Variations, CECCH – Centre d`edition contempraine, Geneva
Labyrinth, Galerie Michel Rein, Paris
Jimmie Durham en residence à l`Atelier Calder, Atelier Calder, Sachè, France
Ironie der Objekte, MUSEION – Museo d`arte moderna e contemporanea, Bolzano, Italy
Research and Invention. Investigations with Images in Contemporary Photography, Fotomuseum,
Winterthur, Switzerland
The 1980s - A Topology, Museu Serralves - Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Porto, Portugal
Bestiary, Lumen Travo, Amsterdam, Holland
Templum: il sacro, il profano e l’altro, Volume!, Rome, Italy
Jimmie Durham - Jannis Kounellis, RAM, Rome
Bestiary, Lumen Travo, Amsterdam
Building a Nation, Matt`s Gallery, London
Glass, Christine König Galerie, Vienna
Quauhnahuac – Die Gerade ist eine Utopie, Kunsthalle, Basel
Academy. Learning from Art, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerp, Belgium
Saudades - Collection Museum Het Domein Sittard, CRAC Alsace, Altkirch, France
Carnets du Sous-Sol, Galerie Michel Rein, Paris
Day for Night, Whitney Biennial 2006, New York
LESS - Strategie alternative dell`abitare, PAC - Padiglione d`Arte Contemporanea, Milan
Between the past and the future, Galleria civica di Trento, Trento, Italy
Elements and material from my atelier in Berlin’s Grunewald Forest, Barbara Wien Wilma Lukatsch,
Berlin, Germany
Building a Nation, Matt’s Gallery, London, UK
The imaginary number, KW institute for contemporary art, Berlin
Jimmie Durham: Knew Urk, The Banff Centre – Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff, AB Canada
Jimmie Durham: Knew Urk, Reg Vardy Gallery, Sunderland, UK
Reason for Lightness, Galleria Franco Soffiantino, Turin, Italy
Elsa, Bridge of San Marziale, Colle di Val d’Elsa, Project for Arte all’Arte, Italy
Jimmie Durham, Batagianni Gallery, Athens, Greece
Semi Specific Objects and Almost-Related Works, Leopold Hoesch Museum, Duren, Germany
From the West Pacific to the East Atlantic, GeM, Museum voor Actuele Kunst, The Hague, The Netherlands
2001 Solverberget Gallery, Stavanger, Norway
Galerie Nordenhake, Stockholm, Sweden
Galerie Barbara Wien, Berlin, Germany
Stones at Hom, Christine Konig Galerie, Vienna, Austria
Jimmie Durham, Between the Furniture and the Building, GAK
Gesellschaft fur Aktuelle Kunst e. V. Bremen, Germany
Jimmie Durham, Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp, Belgium
Jimmie Durham, Pori Taidemuseo / Pori Art Museum, Pori, Finland
Ropa vieja Spring Collection, Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New York, USA
Modulo Centro Difusor de Arte, Lisbon
De Vleeshal, Middleburg, The Netherlands
1993- 95
Micheline Szwajcer Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
Various Gates and Escape Routes, L.A. Louver, Venice, Caliofornia
A Certain Lack of Coherence, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels
Original Re-runs, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, toured to Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin; Kunstverein Hamburg, Germany
Performance, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, UK
Nicole Klasgsbrun Gallery, New York, USA
John Rollin Ridge, Zorro and the Joad Family Players, The Luggage Store, San Francisco, California
Savage time festival, performance, Museum Van Hedendaagse Kunst, Gent, Belgium
The Self – Taught Artist, performance, Exit Art, New York, USA
Catskills Give – away, performance, Art Awareness Lexington, New York
Savagism and You, performance, Whitney Museum Downtown, New York performance, Orchard Gallery, Derry, Northern Ireland
The Bishop’s Moose and the Pinkerton Men, Exit Art, New York tourned to Western Washington
University, Bellingham; Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec, Canada
Hermeneutical Considerations of the Bishops Moose, performance, Exit Art, New York, USA
Pocahontas and the Little Carpenter in London, Matt’s Gallery, London, UK
Process which has No End in Sight, Orchard Gallery, Derry, Northern Ireland
Four Scenes for the British Army, performance, Orchard Gallery, Derry, Northern Ireland
I want to Say Something, performance, La Mamma Theater, New York, USA
John Jay College, New York, USA
Bedia’s First Basement, 22 Wooster gallery, New York, USA
A Matter of Life and Death and Singing, Alternative Museum, New York, USA
Manhattan Give – away, performance, Franklin Furnace, New York, USA
Thanksgiving, performance, PS 122 , New York, USA
Manhattan Festival of the Dead, performance, No Thank’s Festival, New York, USA
Circa Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
Ecole des Beaux Arts, Geneva, Switzerland
Centre des Recontres, Geneva, Switzerland
Circa Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
University of Texas, Austin, Texas
Adept Gallery, Houston, Texas

Group exhibitions:

Camere 11, curated by RAM radioartemobile, Jan Hoet, Roma, Italy
Tatton Park Biennal, London, UK
Time of the Signs, de Pury & Luxembourg, Zurich, Switzerland
2008 – 09
Archaeology of Mind, curated by Luigi Fassi, Fondazione Morra Greco at Kuntsi Museum of
Modern Art Finland, Vaasa Finland
Camere 6, curated by RAM radioartemobile, Jan Hoet, Roma, Italy
The Five Rings, curated by Mimmo di Marzio, Forte di Exilees, Torino, Italy
51. Venice Biennial, Venice, Italy
Artissima 11 - The International Fair of Contemporary Art in Turin Artissima, Turin, Italy
Lies Lust Art & Fashion, Podewil, Berlin, Germany
Yokohama More Works about Buildings and Food, Hangar 7, Oeiras, Lisbon Biennal, Lisbon
100 Artists See God, ICA London
Biennale of Sydney
collection summer 2004, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerp, Belgium
COMMUNAUTÉ, Institut d´art contemporain - Frac Rhône Alpes, Villeurbanne, France
Mobilien | Movables, Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck, Austria
Lies, Lust, Art & Fashion - Signale der Kleidung, Podewil, Berlin
2000 Over the Edges, S.M.A.K. Ghent Initiare, centro Cultural de Belem, Lisbon
Indoor, S.M.A.K. Ghent Heimat Kunst, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
Around 1984, PS 1, New York, USA
Five Continents and One City, Museo de la Ciudad, Mexico City, Mexico
Indoor, Musée d’Art Contemporain, Lyons Biennal, France
Venice Originale echt falsch, Neues Museum Weserburg, Bremen, Germany
With Nothing Up Our Sleeves, Centre for Contemporary Art, Sittard, Netherlands
Echigo – Tsumari Biennalem Matsunoyama, Japan
48. Biennale, Venice
Uccelli / Birds, The Bird Park, Paliano, Italy
Non-Painters Painting, Galerie Berlin Tokyo, Berlin, Germany
Indoor, The Old School House, Serre di Rapolano, Italy
Crossing, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
Self-portraits, Academy of Art, Malmo, Sweden
Around Us, Inside Us, Museum for Contemporary Art, Boras/Sweden
Hora Est, Stedelijik Het Domain Museum, Sittard, Netherlands
Summerproject, Stefan Andersson Gallery, Umea / Sweden
Città Natura, Palazzo delle Esposizioni u.a., Rome, Italy
Galleria Via Farini, Milan Biennale, Italy
Instanbul Jingle Bells, Galleria Massimo de Carlo, Milan, Italy
Meridian Crossing, Monastery Plasy/Chechen Flags, Culturgest, Lisbon
Maison Cerveaux, La Ferme du Buisson, Noisel/France Strangers in the Artic, Rundetarn, Copenhagen
Don’t look now, Thread Waxing Space, New York
Beelden Buiten ’94, Centrum Gildhof van Tielt, Belgium
Economies, Galerie Roger Pailhas, Marseille, France
Ashley Bickerton, Jimmie Durham, Walton Ford, Jeff Wall, Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New York, USA
Raw and Cooked (Cocido y Crudo), Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain
Fire! Or, Imperialism!, part of Outside the Frame: Performance and The Object,
Cleveland Performance Art Festival, Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Rendez (-) vous, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Ghent (with Ilya Kabakov, Henk Visch, Huang Yong Ping)
Whitney Biennial, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, USA
Ricardo Brey, Jimmie Durham, Michelangelo Piostoletto, curated by Denys Zacharopoulos, Centre
D’Art Du Domaine de Kerguehénnec, Bignan-Locminé, France
Jimmie Durham, David Hammons, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Kunsthalle, Fribourg, Switzerland
On taking a normal situation and retranslating into overlapping and multiple readings of conditions past and present, Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp (MUHKA), Belgium
State of Loss – Migration, Displacement, Colonialism and Power, Jersey City Museum, New Jersey
Installation and performance with Maria Tereza Alves and Alan Michelson, Edge 92 Festival, Madrid, London, UK
Installation and performance with Maria Tereza Alves, Museo de Monterry, Monterry, Mexico
America, Bride of the Sun, 500 Years Latin America and the Low Countries, Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp, Belgium
Documenta IX, Kassel, Germany
Dissent, Difference and the Body Politic, Portland Art Museum, Oregon; Otis Parson School of Art
And Design, Los Angeles, USA
Will / Power, Wexner Center for Visual Arts, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Land, Spirit, Power, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
Regarding America (Ante America), Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango, Bogotà, Columbia; Queens
Museum of Art, New York, USA
For the Seventh Generation: Native american Artists Counter The Quincentenary, Golden Artists
Colors Gallery, Columbus, New York, USA
Mistaken Identities, toured to University Art Museum, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Museum Folkwang, Essen; Forum Stadtpark, Gaz; Neues Museum Weserburg, Bremen, Germany
Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaeck, Denmark
Souvenir of Site Seeing; Travel and Tourism in Contemporary Art, Whitney Museum of American Art-
Downtown, USA
The Subversive Stitch, Simon Watson, New York, USA
Spiritual Cargo: Shamanistic Manifestations, Atrium Gallery, Connecticut, USA
Savoir Faire, Savoir Vivre, Savoir Etre, Centre International d’Art Contemporain de Montreal, Québec, Canada
Holy Wars, Exit Art, New York, USA
Re- Vision, Walter Philips Gallery, Banff, Alberta, Canada
Acts of Faith, toured to Cleveland State University, Southeast Massachussetts University, North Dartmouth, USA
Rider with No Horse, American Indian Gallery, New York, USA
The Soaring Spirit, Morris Museum, Morristown, New Jersey, USA
We The People, curated by Jimmie Durham and Jean Fisher, Artists Space, New York, USA
Start Again, Ground Zero, New York, USA
New Art, New York, Herlem School of the Arts, New York, USA,
Ni’ Go Tlunh a Doh ka’ (We are always Turning Around on Purpose), curated by Jimmie Durham and
Jean Fisher, State University of New York at Old Westbury, New York toured to North Hall Gallery,
Massachussetts College of Art, Boston, Central State University, Edmond, USA
Por encima el broqueo, Museum del Chopo, Mexico City and Centro Wifredo Lam, Havana, Cuba
Kenkeleba Gallery, New York, USA
Mixed Media, Mixed Mores, U.S. Courthouse, New York, USA
Forecast: Images of the Future, Kenkeleba Gallery, New York, USA
New York Indian Perspectives, American Indiasn Community House Gallery, New York,USA
Traditions and Modern Configurations, AAA Art, New York and Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, USA
Personal History Public Adress, Minor Injury, Brooklyn, New York, USA
Dimensions in Dissent, Kenkeleba Gallery, New York, USA
Call and Response: Art on Central America, Colby Collage, Waterville, Maine, USA
Racist America, Performance, A Trick, Dramatis Personae Gallery, New York, USA
Art Against Apartheid, Abyssinian Baptist Church, New York, USA
Invitational, 14 Sculptors Gallery, New York, USA
Artists Call Against U.S. Intervention in Central America, Judson Memorial Church, New York, USA
Beyond Aesthetics, Henry Street Settlement, New York, USA
Ritual and Rhythm, Kenkeleba Gallery, New York, USA
My Land, performance with boxer Muhammed Ali and Vivian Ayers Allen, Alley Theater, Houston, Texas, USA
