
Nato nel 1976, Ostra Vetere (AN, Italy). Vive e lavora a Milano

Solo Exhibitions
And the Ship sails on, Fondazione Pescheria, Pesaro, Italy

“ME SUNBATHING IN BEIJING MARCH 17 th 2012”, Zajia lab // Beijing project space, Beijing, China. By Cecilia Freschini.

NO ONE KNEW WHAT ANYONE ELSE WAS DOING…”, Vincent Verlè CAB, Grenoble, France.
19.08, Studio G7, Bologna, curated by Marinella Paderni
Once Upon a Time, CRAC Liceo Artistico Bruno Munari, Cremona, curated by Ettore Favini
Keep the lights on.., Pro Artibus Residence, Ekenäs in Raseborg, Finland

Solo Show, PwC Experience, Milano, curated by Simona Vendrame
Crystallize, Franco Soffiantino Gallery, Turin, Itlay
Less Then Air, Showroom Elica, Milano, curated by Marcello Smarrelli

Sleepingtime, Franco Soffiantino Gallery, Turin, Italy;
Panopticon, Enrico Fornello Gallery, Prato (FI). By Marinella Paderni;

A Private Affair, Piazza delle Erbe Private Art Gallery, Montecassiano (MC). By Gabriele Tinti;

Universe Inverse, Studio G7 Gallery, Bologna. By Marinella Paderni;

La Mainson de l'Homme (inabitare), ATELIER 25 Gallery, Reggio Emilia. By Rosanna Chiessi and Andrea

Cul De Sac (temporarily absent spaces), INTERNO&DUMDUM, Bologna. By Alberto Zanchetta.

Selected Group Exhibitions
MARS, Andrea Nacciarriti/Elena Nemkova, Milano
NEON. La materia luminosa dell'arte, MACRO, Roma. By David Rosenberg, Bartolomeo Pietromarchi.
TERNA PRIZE 03, MAMM, Moscow. By Gianluca Marziani, Cristiana Collu.
NEON (who's afraid of red, yellow and blue?), La Maison Rouge, Paris. By David Rosenberg.

Celeste Prize, Civic Archaeological Museum, Bologna
Casamatta (47° Edition of Suzzara Prize), Premio Suzzara Gallery, Suzzara (MN), curated by
Alessandro Castiglioni and Emma Zanella
Viaggio in Italia, image for AMACI – in collaboration with Peugeot 508
#7, Casabianca, Bologna, curated by Anteo Radovan and Massimo Marchetti
Panorama, Ex Magazzini Latini, curated by Marcello Smarrelli, Fabriano

L’unico / the only one, Studio Tommaseo, Trieste
ARS - Artists in Residence Show, Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Milano, curated by Angela Vettese, Milovan Farronato
Persona in meno, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Guarente d’Alba, curated by Angelique
Campens, Erica Cooke, Chris Fitzpatrick
Ibrido, Pac - Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, Milano, curated by Giacinto

4 ways to… satellite event del TICAB Tirana International Contemporary Art Biennial. Zenit Gallery, Tirana.
Contemporary Towers installation at Uguzzoni Tower, Bologna. By Nosadelladue.
Lum Award for the Contemporary Art" Margherita Theatre, Bari. By Luca Cerizza, Antonella Marino, Francesco Stocchi.
Roaming, citta’ sottili, Stazione Rogers, Trieste, Italy. Curated by Alessandro Castiglioni;

Soft Cell (Dinamiche nello Spazio in Italia), Municipal Gallery of Contemporary Art, Monfalcone (GO). By
Andrea Bruciati;
Same Democracy, Neon Campobase, Bologna, IT. By Marinella Paderni and Elvira Vannini;
BJCEM (Biennal of Young Artist from Europe and Mediterranean), XIII Edition, Puglia, IT;
04 04 00 00 00 [new beginning], AbraCadaBRA, (Italian Galleries Showcase at ARCO 2008) installation at
the Italian Culture Institute, Madrid, ES.

Flos Duellatorum, installation at Palazzo Moroni under arcades, Padova, in occasion of Quotidiana 07 –
Quotidiana Aperta, by Andrea Bruciati;
Confini (The space of the body, the body of the space), Rectory of Saint Sebastian, Forlì, (FC), IT. By
Rosalba Paiano;
ICity-periferiche_Bologna, . Curated by Fabrizio Basso, Silvia Cini, Emanuele
Piccardo, Elvira Vannini;
Carnevale 07, house-museum, Ottana, Nuoro. In collaboration whit MAN - Art Museum of Nuoro. Curated
by Chiara Pilati.

Confini (The space of the body, the body of the space), PAC – Palazzo Massari, Ferrara and Palazzo Pigorini,
Parma. Curated by Maria Luisa Pacelli, Vanja Strukelj;
Every Revolution is a Throw of Dice, BAG – Loggia della Mercanzia, Genova. Curated by Elvira Vannini;
IV Carmen Silvestroni Award, Palazzo Albertini, Forlì, (FC), IT. Curated by Rosalba Paiano;
Samplings #4 [eclipse]. Installation made on Bidente's river bed, Santa Sofia (FC), IT;
Confini-Boundaries, MAN - Art Museum of Nuoro. Curated by Cristiana Collu, Saretto Cincinelli, Roberto
Intervals, installation at Cassero of Castel San Pietro, Bologna, in occasion of "SS9". Curated by Chiara
Tracce di un Seminario, Advanced Course for Visual Arts, Visiting professor Alfredo Jaar; ASSAB ONE,
Milan. Curated by Roberto Pinto and Anna Daneri.

Untitled(seventeen young artists), Ex Faema of Via Ventura, Milan. Curated by Alessio Ascari and Edoardo
Ground Zero (the space of nothing), Ancient Palace of the Magistrate Court of Castell’Arquato, Piacenza.
Curated by Marinella Paterni;
Estetica della Resistenza, Advanced Course for Visual Arts, Visiting professor Alfredo Jaar, Como. Curated
by Roberto Pinto and Anna Daneri;
Mulhouse 005 (La création contemporaine issue des écoles d’art), Ville de Mulhouse, FR;
Open Air, Botanic Garden of University of Parma, IT. By Marinella Paderni and Isotta Saccani;
4th, INTERNO&DUMDUM Gallery, Bologna. By Giuliano Gavioli and Alberto Zanchetta, critical
comment by Emiliano Gandolfi.

Suburbia, Chiostri di San Domenico, Art Workshop, Reggio Emilia. Curated by Marinella Paderni and
Marco Senaldi;
ad'a (area d’azione), Rocca Sforzesca, Imola. Curated by Roberto Daolio;
Zilch, Arte Ricambi Gallery, Verona. Curated by Alberto Zanchetta.

LAB.03, Viafarini Gallery, Milano. Curated by Roberto Daolio;
Ratio, Galleria Civica d’Arte Contemporanea, Monfalcone. Curated by Andrea Bruciati.

Beyond the Garden, European project; Cervi-Renzi Park, Rimini. Curated by Roberto Daolio.

Almost Famous, Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea e Sale Fienile, Castel San Pietro Terme, Bologna;
Arranged by Gino Gianuizzi and Mauro Manara;
Free/Engaged, Installation at Bologna Central Station. Curated by Roberto Daolio and Mili Romano;

Lanes (an Art Review), Granarolo dell’Emilia, Bologna. With the collaboration of Atelier Pozzati;

MADEINSENIGALLIA, Palazzetto Baviera and EXPO EX Gallery, Senigallia, Ancona. Curated by
Francesco Luzi;

Premi e Residenze
Atla(s)now, in Imlil e Oukeimeiden, Marocco

WINNER OF CELESTE PRIZE 2011, “Installation & Performance” category
TALENT PRIZE 2011, special mention
Artist in Residence “Pro Artibus Foundation”, Ekanas in Raseborg, Finland

WINNER OF TERNA PRIZE 03 – Gigawatt Section
Artist in Residence “Spinola Banna Foundation”, Poirino (TO), Visiting Professor Benjamin Weil

Artist in Residence “Spinola Banna Foundation”, Poirino (TO), Visiting Professor Luca Vitone

PAGINE BIANCHE D’AUTORE AWARD, Seat Pagine Bianche, Awarded with the region Marche

YOUNG ART AWARD, special mention to the project "GARAGE [prototipo #12/A]", Area Falchera, Turin, IT

XI ADVANCED COURSE FOR VISUAL ARTS, Ratti Fundation, Como, IT. Visiting professor Alfredo Jaar

GUERCINO AWARD, in occasion of ICEBERG AWARD, Bologna, IT

ERASMUS PROJECT, scholarship, Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna, IT
