Artist Bio

Jennifer Allora, born in 1974, Philadelphia, USA; Guillermo Calzadilla, born in 1971, Havana, Cuba.

Solo Exhibitons
Body in Flight (Delta), Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, USA.

Vieques Videso 2003-2011, Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Allora & Calzadilla: A Man Screaming is Not a Dancing Bear, Weathersppon Art Museum, Greensboro
Stop, Repair, Prepare, MoMA, New York
Gloria, Allora & Calzadilla U.S. Pavillon, The Giardini, 54th International Art Exhibition, Venice Biennale, Italy

Performance 9: Allora & Calzadilla, MoMA, New York
Compass, Kurimanzutto, Mexico City, Mexico
Allora & Calzadilla, Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Allora & Calzadilla, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris, France

Allora & Calzadilla The National Museum of Art, Oslo
Allora & Calzadilla Tempor�re Kunstalle Berlin, Berlin
Allora & Calzadilla Kunstmuseum Krefeld, Museum Haus Esters, Krefeld
Stop, Repair, Prepare: Variations on Ode to Joy for a Prepared Piano Gladstone Gallery, New York

Allora e Calzadilla, Galleria Franco Soffiantino, Turin, Italy
Stop, Repair, Prepare: Variations on Ode to Joy for a Prepared Piano Haus der Kunst, Munich
Wake Up, Clamor, Sediments, Sentiments Kunstverein M�nchen, Munich
Never Mind that Noise you Heard Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Amsterdam

Sediments, Sentiments (Figures of Speech) San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco
Allora & Calzadilla Lisson Gallery, London
Allora & Calzadilla Kunsthalle Zurich, Zurich
Clamor Serpentine Gallery, London
Wake Up The Renaissance Society, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Whitechapel Laboratory - Jennifer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla Whitechapel Art Gallery, London
Unrealizable Goals Center for Contemporary Art, CCA Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu, Japan

Clamor, The Moore Space, Miami
Land Mark, Palais de Tokyo, Paris
(En)tropics, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
Jennifer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla, S.M.A.K. Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Ghent, Belgium
Concentrations 50: Allora & Calzadilla, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas
Under Discussion & Amphibious Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, Santurce, Puerto Rico

Download Art Positions, ArtBasel Miami Beach

Unstable Atmospheres Lisson Gallery, London
Ciclonismo Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
Chalk. 7th Annual ICA/Vita Brevis Project Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), Boston, MA
Radio Revolt: One Person, One Watt. Artist in Residence Project Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN

Land Mark Escuela de Artes Pl�sticas, San Juan, PR
Puerto Rican Light Americas Society, New York, NY

Allora & Calzadilla Institute of Visual Arts (INOVA) at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

Allora & Calzadilla Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, Santurce, PR

Other Worlds. Project Rooms ARCO, Madrid

Charcoal Dance Floor Luigi Marrozzini Gallery, San Juan, PR

Group Exhibitions
Living With Video, curated by Chantal Crousel, Pavillon Downtown, Dubaï, UAE.
II Rooms, MIF, Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester, UK
Living as Form Creative Time, New York
El Grito MUSAC, Leon (showing Sediments, Sentiments-Figures of Speech)
Adaptation: Between Species, The Power Plant, Toronto, Canada
Au Pair �Coppie di fatto nell�arte contemporanea�, Fondazione Menegaz, Castelbasso (TE)
Rethink Relations, Statems Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, DEN
It is It, Espacio 1414, Santurce
Restless Empathy, Aspen Art Museum, Aspern, CO

Land, Space, Territoy Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, NJ
Rethink Relations Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark
Free as Air and Water 41 Cooper Gallery, The Cooper Union, New York, NY
Private Universes: Media Works Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, TX
Wake Up, Please Centre d�Art Contemporain de Quimper- Le Quartier, Quimper, France
Musica ex Machina 09 Museo de Reproducciones Art�sticas de Bilbao, Spain
Panorama da Arte Brasileira Museu de Arte Moderna de S�o Paulo, Brasil
Close Encounters 2 Nathan Cummings Foundation, New York, NY
ARTLV_0 Tel Aviv, Israel
Una F�brica, una M�quina, un Cuerpo... Arqueolog�a y Memoria de los Espacios Industriales Centre
d�Art la Panera, L�rida
KR�YOL Factory Grand Halle de la Villete, Parc de la Villete, Paris
Un Certain Etat du Monde? A Certain State of the World? Garage Center for Contemporary Culture �
GCCC, Moscow
Lisson Presents 4 / 29 Bell Street Lisson Gallery, London
Videoarde, video cr�tico en Latinoam�rica y Caribe CCE � Centro Cultural de Espa�a Montevideo
Puerto Rico: geograf�a humana Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, Santurce
Rotating Views #1 - Astrup Fearnley Collection Astrup Fearnley Museet for Moderne Kunst, Oslo

Perplexed in Public Lisson Gallery, London
Peripheral Vision and Collective Body MUSEION Museo d�arte moderna e Contemporanea, Bolzano
E-flux Video Rental Centro de Arte Moderna Jos� de Azeredo Perdig�o - Funda��o Calouste
Gulbenkian, Lisbon
Viva la muerte Centro Atl�ntico de Arte Moderno (CAAM), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Las Implicaciones de la Imagen (The implications of image) Museo Universitario de Ciencias y Arte -
MUCA, Mexico City
Field Work - part 1 Smart Project Space, Amsterdam
OPEN / INVITED e v+ a 2008 ev+a, Limerick
Martian Museum of Terrestrial Art Barbican, London
Greenwashing Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin
Collection Videos & Films Jean-Conrad & Isabelle Lemaitre Kunsthalle zu Kiel der Christian-Albrechts-
Universit�t, Kiel

Uncertain States of America Rudolfinum, Prague; CSW Centrum Sztuki Wsp�łczesnej / Centre for
Contemporary Art, Warsaw; Herning Kunstmuseum, Herning
IKF Latin American Art Auction 2007 Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, Miami
R�sidents Espace EDF Electra, Paris
Video Trajectories: Selections from the Pamela and Richard Kramlich Collection and the New Art Trust
MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge
For Sale Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Lisbon
9e Biennale de Lyon 2007 La biennale d'art contemporain de Lyon, Lyon
10th International Istanbul Biennial International Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul
Stigma: An exhibition of the San Juan Poly/Graphic Triennial in the 27th Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic
Arts Cankarjev Dom Gallery, Ljubljana
Rencontres d'Arles 2007 Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Arles
Valencia Biennial Valencia
6� Bienal do Mercosul: A Terceira Margem do Rio Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre
Infinite Island: Contemporary Caribbean Art Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn
Otra de Vaqueros Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Mexico City; CECCH - Centre d'�dition Contemporaine �
Gen�ve, Geneva
A Global Multitude in the Rotonde Luxembourg
Beyond Green � Toward a Sustainable Art CAC - Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati;
Smith College Museum of Art, Northampton
Beneath the Underdog Gagosian Gallery, New York City
E-flux Video Rental Centre culturel Suisse, Paris; Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Cambridge
Rozamira 07� Festival Winzavod Art-center, Moscow
8th Sharjah Biennial: Still Life Sharjah International Art Biennial, Sharjah
Apr�s la pluie Mus�e D�partemental d'Art Contemporain de Rochechouart, Rochechouart
2 Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art Moscow Biennale of Contemporary art, Moscow
depiction perversion repulsion obesession subversion Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art,
All About Laughter Mori Art Museum, Tokyo
Critically Correct (2) Givon Art Gallery Ltd, Tel-Aviv
Cosmologies James Cohan Gallery, New York City

1. Bienal de Canarias Bienal de Canarias, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Beyond Green � Toward a Sustainable Art UAM - University Art Museum, Long Beach
Une Vision du Monde La Maison Rouge, Paris
Other Than Art Provisions Library, Washington D.C.
La Force de L�art Grand Palais, Paris
2�me Festival Photo et Vid�o de Biarritz Biarritz
E-Flux Video Rental Arthouse at the Jones Center � Contemporary Art for Texas, Austin; Extra City �
Center for Contemporary Art, Antwerp
Empathetic Temple Gallery, Philadelphia
Group Therapy MUSEION � Museo d�arte moderna e contemporanea, Bolzano
Artificial Light Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond; Museum of Contemporary Art � North Miami
(MOCA), Miami
Ecotopia � The Second ICP Triennial of Photographie and Video The ICP Triennial of Photography and
Video, New York City
Uncertain States of America Serpentine Gallery, London; The Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard
College, Annandale-on-Hudson
Home of the Free Hyde Park Arts Center, Chicago
Nam Jun Paik Award Museum f�r angewandte Kunst, Cologne
Busan Biennale 2006 Busan Museum of Modern Art, Busan, Korea
Territory Artspeak, Presentation House, Vancouver
Report (Not Announcement) Basis voor Actuele Kunst � BAK, Utrecht
Mafia (Or One Unopened Packet of Cigarettes) Standard (Oslo), Oslo
Wrong Klosterfelde, Berlin
International Documentary Festival Amsterdam Amsterdam
Whitney Biennial 2006 - Day for Night Whitney Biennial, New York City

Ralentir Vite Le Plateau/ FRAC Ile-de-France, Paris
Irreducible: Contemporary Short Form Video CCA Wattis Institute, San Francisco
I Love Art Vid�o Le Forum Itin�rant, Mus�e d'Art Moderne et Contemporain de Strasbourg, Strasbourg
Utopia Station World Social Forum, S�o Paulo
1 Moscow Biennial of Contemporary Art: Dialectics of Hope Moscow
Contemporaneo Liquido galleria franco soffiantino, Turin
No Convenient Subway Stops Art in General, New York City
E-Flux Video Rental KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin
Dedicated to you, but you weren't listening Power Plant, Toronto
Monuments for the USA CCA Wattis Institute, San Francisco
Land Marks Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
Material Time/Work Time/Life Time. Reykjavik Arts Festival Reykjavik
The Mind is a Horse (Part 2) Bloomberg Space, London
That From a Long Way off looks Like Flies Platfotm Garant� Contemporary Arts Center, Istanbul
51st International Art Exhibition 51 Venice Biennale, Venice
Tropical Abstraction Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
The Gesture: A Visual Library in Progress� Macedonian Museum Of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki
inSITE_05 San Diego; Tijuana
Lyon Biennial of Contemporary Art 2005 Lyon
Uncertain States of America Astrup Fearnley Museet for Moderne Kunst, Oslo; Bard College,
Beyond Green: Towards a Sustainable Art David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, Chicago
Poesia in Forma di Rosa : Tribute to Pasolini Galleria Comunale d�Arte Contemporanea di
Montefalcone, Montefalcone
T1 � Torinotriennale tremuse: The Pantagruel Syndrome Castello di Rivoli Museo d�Arte
Contemporanea, GAM Galleria Civica d�Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Torino, and Fondazione
Sandretto Re Rebaudeng
Loop 05 La 3�me Barcelona
Second Guangzhou Triennial Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou
Drivin Exposition Frac-Collection Aquitaine, Bordeaux
Videographias In(Visibles) Museo Patio Herreriano de Arte Contemporaneo Espanol, Valladolid
International Documentary Festival Amsterdam Amsterdam
Les Visiteurs Chateau d�Oiron

�Triennal Poli/grafica de San Juan�, San Juan
�Island Nations�, The Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Providence
�Gwangju Biennale 2004: A Grain of Dust A Drop of Water�, Gwangju
�PARA SITES. When Space Comes Into Play�, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung
Ludwig Wien, Vienna
�Dakar Biennial: Le Monde: Dak�Art 2004�, Dakar
�None of the Above� Real Art Ways, Hartford
�Son et Lumiere�, List Visual Arts Center, MIT, Cambridge
�Ailleurs/Ici�, Musee D�Art Moderne de La Ville De Paris/Arc Au Couvent Des
Cordeliers�, Paris
�Situations construites, Attitudes�, Espace d�art contemporain, Geneva
�IKI and thanks for all the IKA�, Artspace, Auckland
�How Latitudes Become Forms: Art in a Global Age�, Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, Houston

Triennal Poli/grafica de San Juan San Juan
Island Nations The Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Providence
Gwangju Biennale 2004: A Grain of Dust A Drop of Water Gwangju
PARA SITES. When Space Comes Into Play Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna
Dakar Biennial: Le Monde: Dak�Art 2004 Dakar
None of the Above Real Art Ways, Hartford
Son et Lumiere List Visual Arts Center, MIT, Cambridge
Ailleurs/Ici Musee D�Art Moderne de La Ville De Paris/Arc Au Couvent Des Cordeliers�, Paris
Situations construites, Attitudes Espace d�art contemporain, Geneva
IKI and thanks for all the IKA Artspace, Auckland
How Latitudes Become Forms: Art in a Global Age Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, Houston

Interplay The Moore Space, Miami, FL
Fair Royal College of Art, London, England
III Bienal Iberoamericana Lima, Peru
Bird�s Eye View The Arch at Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, NY
Coleccionismos Contempor�neos - P�blico / Privado MADC Museo de Arte y Dise�o Contempor�neo,
San Jos�

Zoning The Project, New York, NY

VII Bienal de la Habana Havana, Cuba
Puerto Rico 00 (Parentesis en la �Ciudad�) San Juan, PR
S-Files El Museo del Barrio, New York, NY
Distinctions Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, NY; Berrie Center for the Arts, Ramapo
College, Ramapo, NJ
Puerto Rico Hoy Instituto de America, Santa Fe, Spain

P.S.1 Contemporary Arts Center, Long Island City, NY

XXIV Bienal de Sao Paulo S�o Paulo, Brazil
Caribe: Exclusi�n, Fragmentaci�n, y Paraiso MEIAC, Badajoz, Spain; Casa Las Americas, Madrid,

Fellowship & Residencies
DAAD, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Berlin, Germany

Couvent des R�collets, Residence des R�collets, Paris, France

Walker Art Center Artist in Residence Program, Minneapolis, MN
Civitella Ranieri Fellowship, Umbertide, Italy
Headlands Center for the Arts Bridge Residency Program, CA

P.S.1 Contemporary Arts Center National Studio Program, NY

Awards & Grants
Nam June Paik Award Finalist
Hugo Boss Prize Finalist

Gwangju Biennial Prize

Penny McCall Foundation Grant

Joan Mitchell Foundation Grant

Cintas Fellowship

Public Collections
Astrup Fearnley Museet for Moderne Kunst
ATRIUM Centro- Museo Vasco de Arte Contempor�neo
Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, USA
Berezdivin Collection, Santurce, PR
Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, USA
Dallas Museum of Art, Texas, USA
Ellipse Foundation, Caicais, Portugal
Fmac (Fonds Municipal d�Art Contemporain), Paris, France
Fnac (Fonds National d�Art Contemporain), Paris, France
Frac (Fonds R�gional d�Art Contemporain) Aquitaine, France
Israel Museum of Art, Jerusalem, Israel
Julia Stoschek Foundation, Düsseldorf, Germany
Kunstmuseen Krefeld/Museum Haus Esters, Haus Lange, Krefeld, Germany
Mus�e d�Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris/ARC, Paris, France
Museion-Museum of modern and contemporary art, Bolzano, Italy
Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, Santurce
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Rhode Island, USA
Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
Museum Het Domein Sittard, The Netherlands
Museum of Modern Art, New York
National Museum of Art, Oslo, Norway
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia
Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst (SMAK), Ghent, Belgium
Tate Collection, London, UK
Zabludowicz Collection, London, UK

Jennifer Allora
2001-2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MS), Cambridge, MA
1998-1999 Whitney Independent Study Program, New York, NY
1996 University of Richmond (BA), Richmond, VA

Guillermo Calzadilla
1999-2001 Bard College (MFA) Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
1998 Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture
1996 Escuela de Artes Pl�sticas (BFA), San Juan, Puerto Rico
